Is the Bible True?, page-575

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    No, your post is not harsh. Sometimes we need to get a bit real and you have.

    Well as for me being right, I don't know if I'm right or not. My conviction is a bit piss-weak to tell you the truth. But I'm a harmless poor bastard and I need to support my beliefs with a bit of made up conviction if nothing else.

    When theists use the term faith this, in my experience, stops any meaningful discussion it its tracks. Well it shouldn't because that would be a prejudice on your part.

    This is the crux of the matter. I'm science in all the places you need to use science, but science is useless when it comes to the origins of the universe, the nature of and the emergence of life, why everything in relative terms is just so perfect to enable life, why life is even possible, why matter is even possible, how the natural laws are so fixed, why sentience should emerge from life, does life have a meaning and purpose beyond what we imagine for ourselves, and so on?

    Now the answer to each of these questions must of a necessity include faith if you are going to form an opinion. If you don't need to form an opinion then you don't need faith.

    I need to form an opinion, you do not.
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