Is the Bible True?, page-577

  1. 27,539 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    When theists use the term faith this, in my experience, stops any meaningful discussion it its tracks.
    Well it shouldn't because that would be a prejudice on your part.

    That's just my experience, which I don't think has to do with prejudice. If I experience a particular outcome since I can remember it becomes an expectation. OK, if this falls within the definition of being prejudice, then it must apply to me.

    "This is the crux of the matter. I'm science in all the places you need to use science, but science is useless when it comes to the origins of the universe, the nature of and the emergence of life, why everything in relative terms is just so perfect to enable life, why life is even possible, why matter is even possible, how the natural laws are so fixed, why sentience should emerge from life, does life have a meaning and purpose beyond what we imagine for ourselves, and so on?"

    All noble questions and worthy of much navel gazing, cerebral activity, pontification, debate and other higher human activities that give us a sense of purpose.

    "I need to form an opinion, you do not."
    Please do try and convince my wife of that.


    What I'm suggesting is that we don't let our opinions create a self imposed straight jacket as we quest for the answers to the profound questions.
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