Is the Bible True?, page-607

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    If someone tells you they have experienced an intense feeling of warmth and light - Indeed. I had a single epiphany moment that lasted probably a few minutes, time seem to stand still so who knows how long it lasted. I have mentioned it on here a couple of times. I was very clean and sober. I was very non-religious and had little interest in spiritual subjects. I was uneducated, uninspired and a thriving hedonist.

    It was mid-morning on a beautiful day, not another person for many miles, I'd been there a couple of weeks on my own and on this day I was standing on a rock in the middle of the Goodradigbee River at Brindabella trout fishing.

    Those couple of minutes changed the entire direction and outcome of my life. To me it felt like slipping inside the skin of the world. It overtook me like entering through a veil and on the other side everything was alive, even the rocks.

    What seemed to permeate through me or fill my mind or soul or whatever, was an abiding sense that there was a God. Not the general God, gods of religion, but a force that animated everything. I got goose bumps just now recalling it after reading your post. 40 odd years later and it can still touch me, yet it means nothing to anybody but me.
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