is the soul immortal?, page-26

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Settle down. No need for you to become so defensive; just exchanging thoughts(intellect).

    Actually, it is Manny that is defensive. Manny was actually not exchanging intellect but, instead, exchanging superstition. It is Manny that needs to "settle down", i.e., settle their mind inwardly so it can look within because, now, Manny is posting superstition. Manny has obviously never introspectively examined their own life but, instead, gives the impression their 'spiritual life' is going to church meetings to build up the (conditioned) ego.

    Mind(thought) is different from information received from senses; for example, your senses(eyes) perceive light, but your intellect can think about things outside of these perceptions(numbers/abstracts/morals).

    wrong. what the mind thinks is based on its perceptions. even if thought constructs the unperceived, such as 'Xod', the characteristics of 'Xod' constructed are based on what is perceived.

    for example, the balancing forces of nature are perceived & regarded as 'Xod'. or a superhero of higher but perceived 'love'. as love is a perceived emotion we create a 'Xod' full of love

    what Xod is thought to be is merely an embellishment of real perceptions

    however, anything that is thought that is outside of perception is called SUPERSTITION rather than 'intellect'

    Intellect means you can think of anything(potential); therefore intellect has no 'nature' of its own; it has no body part; it doesn't feel cold/hot.

    yes...but such 'intellect' is SUPERSTITION

    Aquinas felt this was another reason it was separable from the body as a part of being divine.

    non-sense. the creative thinking of a schizophrenic is not 'divine'. instead, it is 'delusion'

    Perceptions through our senses are passive whereas our thoughts are 'active'(not necessarily triggered through some biological process).

    wrong. perception is not always accurate but, yes, perception is more passive. where as the 'activeness' of thought you appear to be praising can often be NEUROSIS

    the ENLIGHTENED think little but, instead, directly perceive reality as it is


    Aristotle felt mind(intellect) is not, in itself, a living thing and therefore cannot die.

    Aristotle was obviously wrong.

    He regarded intellect as an abstract concept that cannot 'die' ; just as numbers(which are abstract concepts) cannot 'die'.

    as i pointed out, when an old person has dementia, their intellect certainly dies

    just like you, Aristotle obviously, due to some kind of neurosis, was unable to settle the mind in a state of peace & stop all of the neurotic egotistical creating & thinking

    Manny...try to settle that monkey mind down

    When their was silence, God decided to speak to Elijah
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