is the u.s. planting wmd's?

  1. 351 Posts.
    There is one thing that I have been relatively certain of since “King George” unleashed the “Dogs of War” in Iraq; WMD’s will be found even if there isn’t any. Over this same period of time I have had to rely more and more on reports and journalists from outside the U.S. for my “fair and balanced” news and information.

    The media in this country has a high level of responsibility for what “King George” and his “Royal Court” has been able to get away with. Instead of holding true to what I see as the primary purpose of the “fourth Estate” to truthfully inform the public of what is or is not done by the body governance and to hold them accountable, it has, in general, co-opted for the more “favorable” position of “go along to get along” cheerleaders of “King George.”

    This “go along to get along” attitude, while at the same time singing the “party line” praises of Bush & Co. explains, to me at least, why not one word has come from the U.S. media concerning reports of U.S. forces secretly unloading parts for long range missiles in Southern Iraq.

    Prof. Ira Chernus in an article published by Common Dreams, he states that the Mehr News Agency has discovered, through a source in the Iraq Governing Council, that the U.S. has been secretly unloading parts for long range missiles in Southern Iraq. It seems as though “ordinary cargo ships were used to download the cargo, which consisted of weapons produced in the 1980’s and 1990’s.” It also appears that the weapons being unloaded are weapons that the “U.S. obtained through confiscations during banned arms sales over the past two decades.” According to the Mehr News Agency’s source, “the parts are old ones, just like the kind the U.S. gave to Saddam Hussein in the 1980’s.”

    It would appear my fellow citizens that in this election year we will get the “good news” that not only has Osama bin Ladin been “captured” but have also, at long last, found Saddams missing WMD’s. Wow! Glory be…success at last! See, “we told you so.” I can just hear it now.

    Bull puckey!!! This report deserves investigating! Could this be a false report? Possibly…but I doubt it. King George and his royal court have convinced me that if their lips are moving they do not speak the truth. Staged photo ops, hired actors posing as reporters, hired actors posing as fireman in Bush photo ops and on and on …can’t even believe what we see where King George is concerned.

    There is no doubt in my mind or heart that planting WMD’s in Iraq, later to be “discovered” is not beyond the scope of what the Bush cabal is willing to do to keep up the deception. Lies, distortions and outright deception are the order of the day for them. I believe they are in fact busy planting those old 80’s type of missiles in Iraq. The longer we go with no mention of this, either from Washington or the U.S. media, let alone a call for a serious investigation to either verify or repudiate this report, the more firmly convinced I will become of the reports truthfulness and accuracy.

    Additionally, I lay a tremendous amount of responsibility at the feet of the U.S. media for the high level of deception Bush & Co. has been allowed to generate and get away with seeing as how they praise him and do not confront nor challenge him.

    “When someone says the U.S. is planting evidence to ‘prove’ the biggest lie yet, and you don’t even bother to check it out, truth is dead.” (Ira Chernus)

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