Is there any unemployment in Australia?, page-8

  1. 1,961 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 281
    I think there should be 2 forms of welfare available (outside of aged pension and NDIS), this includes;
    - job seeker, $400 p/w to support short term unemployment. Not required to do anything other than demonstrate you are actively looking for work

    - community employee, $600 p/w requirement to fulfil 30 hours of community based projects. Anything from picking up rubbish, cleaning streets, maintaining parks & weed control and other community based work such as aged care assisting etc.

    I think if the government could guarantee that anyone capable of working can get $600 p/w as a minimum, it may put pressure on business to up their wages. Too many people are working long hard hours for $20p/h whilst the entitled 1% are taking home $200+ p/h.

    This is why China trumps Australia. China doesn’t allow the filthy rich to sponge up and push up asset prices, the Chinese come to Australia to do that. If all the rich people in Australia were capped at the amount of investments they could have it’d mean they’d get to a point where they’d just be working to hoard cash, which may encourage them to actual spend money and contribute to the economy.

    it’s interesting that we set a minimum wage, and bully 90% of Australians into having capped wages, yet for those lucky few individuals there are no boundaries.

    Although it’s bordering on communism, I think a new approach is needed. The cost of housing and living vs wages is just so unrealistic and it’s kind of making a lot of people think what’s the point in even working if all your doing is earning just enough to pay rent to cover your entitled bosses mortgage.

    Every week I think I could just sell my house, shares and other investments. Buy a house outright in a small coastal town, have no debt and a small pot of cash, go on welfare where with my family we’d get $1200 a fortnight, I’d actually have more disposable income and I get to have 100% of my time with my family.

    At the moment we both work full time, sacrificing our time with kids, friends and family to pay for all our debts, once you paid ya bills there’s nothing left over! And we are taking home more than the average pay too.
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