is this a scam?, page-4

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    No, but I keep getting stuff like THIS:


    Dear Friend,

    I am the manager of Auditing and Accounting department of BANK OF AFRICA
    (B.O.A) here in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.In my department we discovered an
    abandoned sum of US$20.5m dollars (TWENTY MILION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND US
    DOLLARS) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer (MR.
    ANDREAS SCHRANNER from Munich, Germany) who died along with his entire
    family in Jully 2000 in a plane crash.For more information about the crash
    you can visit this site:(

    Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of
    kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless
    some body applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as
    indicated in our banking guidlings and laws but unfortunately we learnt that
    all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the
    plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this
    discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and
    release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for
    safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we
    don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.

    The banking law and guidline here stipulates that if such money remained
    unclaimed after fours years, the money will be transfered into the bank
    treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this
    business is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a
    Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
    I agree that 30% of this money will be for you as a respect to the provision
    of a foriegn account , 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred during
    the business and 60% would be for me Thereafter, I will visit your country
    for disbursement according to the percentage indicated Therefore, to enable
    the immediate transfer of this fund to you arranged,you must apply first to
    the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased with a text of
    application form that i will send to you when i hear from you,so i will like
    you to send to me your private telephone and fax number for easy and
    effective communication and location where in the money will be remitted.

    Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of
    the application . I will not fail to bring to your notice this transaction
    is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all
    required arrangements have been made for the transfer. You should contact me
    immediately as soon as you receive this letter.

    Trusting to hear from you immediately.
    Yours Faithfully,

    And THIS:

    Mr. Albert Dupree
    British Arab Commercial Bank Ltd.
    8-10 Mansion House Place
    London EC4N 8BJ
    CONFIDENTIAL PHONE: +44-7040-113-138
    PRIVATE EMAIL: [email protected]
    Dear friend,
    This is a proposal in context but actually an appeal soliciting for your
    unreserved assistance in consummating an urgent transaction requiring maximum
    confidence. Though this approach appears desperate, I can assure you that
    whatever questions you would need to ask or any other thing you will need to know
    regarding this proposal will be adequately answered to give you a clearer
    understanding of it, so as to arrive at a successful conclusion.
    My name is Mr. Albert Dupree, Regional Head of Securities, British Arab
    Commercial Bank Ltd, London England. On January 17, 1999, a foreign
    consultant/contractor with the Asea Brown and Boveri Ltd, Mr. Abdou
    Elzanaty ,made a numbered time (fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued
    at US$41,500,000.00, (Forty-five Million, Five Hundred thousand United States
    Dollars only) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his
    forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, I sent a reminder and finally
    we discovered from his contract employers, Asea Brown and Boveri (the energy
    giant), that Mr. Abdou Elzanaty died from a plane crash. You can verify this
    using the following links:
    On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all
    attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless as his wife also suffered the
    same fate by dying in the same plane crash. I therefore made further
    investigation and discovered that Mr. Abdou Elzanaty did not declare any next of
    kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit
    paperwork in our Bank. Due to the funds being temporarily unclaimable, the funds
    have being moved out of our bank ( as sundry funds )to an offshore Deposit
    Company here in Amsterdam Holland.
    From past experiences, I know that no one will ever come forward to claim the
    deceased funds. According to Bristish laws, at the expiration of 7 (seven) years,
    the funds will be Unclaimable and revert to the ownership of the British
    Government if nobody applies to claim the fund. In order to avert this negative
    development, I in conjunction with a colleague (the Chief Operating Officer in
    the bank) now seek your permission to allow my attorney do a CHANGE OF
    OWNERSHIP/REASSIGNMENT OF CREDIT of stated funds from the "deceased" to your
    name, so that the funds would be released to you as the new owner/next of kin of
    the deceased (on behalf of me and my colleague). We are writing you because, as
    public servants representing the investment of my country's government in the
    Bank, we cannot operate a foreign account or have an account that is more than
    20,000:00 Pounds. Moreover we can not stand as next of kin to the deceased
    because this will create a conflict of interest being his bankers.
    Consequently, you will be presented as the NEXT OF KIN to the deceased so you can
    be able to claim the funds, after all necessary paperwork has being effected. For
    us to commence, I will like you to provide the following information immediately;
    1. Full names
    2. Contact address
    3. Telephone and fax numbers
    Once I receive these information, I will prepare the necessary documents which
    will put you in place as the new owner of the funds by virtue of inheritance. The
    money will then be released to your custody by the Deposit Company, for us to
    share in the ratio of 75% for us and 25% for you. There is no risk at all as all
    the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the solicitor and this will
    guarantees the successful execution of this transaction. If you are interested,
    please reply via my email address or call my telephone(both above). Upon your
    response, I shall then provide you with more details, and further explanation
    that will help you understand the transaction. FOR THE SAKE OF
    No doubt this proposal will make you apprehensive, please we imploy you to
    observe utmost confidentiality and rest assured that this transaction would be
    most profitable for both of us because we shall require your assistance to invest
    our share in your country (Real estate and any other ideas you may have), this is
    why your urgent action and response is of great essence which will enable us
    conclude this transaction in a timely and professional manner.
    I await your swift response hoping you accept my proposal, as time is of equal
    essence in this project as well as is confidentiality.
    Thank you and have a nice day.
    Respectfully yours,
    Dr. Albert Dupree.

    Every farking day for weeks..................

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