RED"Could you please explain how a worldwide consumption of...

  1. 411 Posts.

    "Could you please explain how a worldwide consumption of finite resources can continue for an infinite period of time?"

    CV: RED I do not have to explain its an obvious reality (time frame is debatable) organisations like the feel good named
    "Global footprint network" which was linked that are funded by
    & feel good guilty city living punters don't have the answer, they are just fund-raising for money to justify their stupid research budgets & think tanks.
    I do not need $250K-10 million to tell you the worlds resources are finite or if I want to find out how finite they are I will look elsewhere
    just more scaremongering from people who need a real job.

    But if you agree with this rubbish "honestly" I have a degree in environmental science if you would like to fund a think tank where me & others suitable qualified
    can get together, discuss & identify problems (which are obvious) & come up with a conclusion lets talk, I would love to give up my current existence to pontificate

    "Or perhaps alternatively please explain why it is that an ever increasing scarcity of resources will not have any impact on the little ASX down here in Australia?"

    So I assume your talking extreme LT, worldwide scarcity of resources is only good for Australia 10+ YEARS take a look at GDP figures its driven by resources &
    their is still discoveries being made. SO what time frame are you talking

    CV : RED If your so worried about the world look at yourself are you self sufficient or just another bleeding heart that spruiks this green earth theory from the city, whilst being a burden but offsetting it by paying money to organisations like Greenpeacee &
    "global footprint network"
    to make yourself feel warm & fuzzy.
    Send your money my way & you can sponsor a tree on my property, I promise I will put a little sign saying RED from HC kept me alive whilst saving the earth & stopping my evil owner from cutting me down.

    In the mean time you can walk every you need to, give up your job go grow your own food, harvest your own animals, make your own clothes, live off your own power or when you feel really guilty about your existence, donate money to my new website slash think tank slash advisory body

    any donation you give will help me lead a life of walking to the ocean, surfing & fishing tending my veggie garden, growing & killing animals than sharing the meat with friends & family. I could have a total carbon neutral existence that will not use finite resources, seriously taking a step to lesson my GLOBAL FOOTPRINT

    Who wants to sponsor me, I am currently in talks with my local MP about making myself a charity or research institute haven't worked out which would be more tax effective.
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