@mogga; I have a son-in-law and a nephew whose usage of cannabis...

  1. 46,864 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @mogga; I have a son-in-law and a nephew whose usage of cannabis earlier in their lives has come back to plague them in mid-life [both now suffer from very serious mental health issues which have cost them their livelihoods, forced them into hospitalisation and threatens to cost them their lives].

    For strictly monitored medical purposes, OK; otherwise I applaud the TGA's stance.

    Re C!9 vaccines, for many months now Morrison and Hunt have told us that the TGA has been testing them and monitoring the results from overseas. Your assertions re safety and efficacy are not supported by what's been reported to the Australian People.

    As for the rollout of those vaccines by Morrison's Government, well:
    1. Australia is the last developed country on earth to commence vaccinations
    2. Our government has had more than twelve months to organise the rollout of vaccines
    3. The shambolic start we've seen is therefore absolutely inexcusable and reflective of sheer incompetence
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