is this multiculturalism at work, page-90

  1. 3,402 Posts.


    you are right , but it is not just the illegals.

    2gb have been having a field day with the latest shootings in Greenacre.

    they dredged up figures from the last census and figures from the correctives services board and guess what percentage wise the highest number of offenders having a holiday in NSW jails come from the muslim community, before anyone stars jumping up and down about no mention of indidual nationalities it seem our muslim friends lie a lot about the country of thei birth and just state that they are muslim.

    the best was a caller who once again just said he was from the MUSLIM community and the reason for the figures was because the SKIPPYS did not treat them right, did not show them any respect,did not want to employ them and so this was why his Community had so many of them on the dole, sickness benefits or had to revert to crime to survive.

    Are these people for real???

    It seems SKIPPY is a derogatory term for white AUSTRALIANS

    then again the loonies on this site will try and suggest
    it is once again a jewish plot to discredit the poor MUSLIMS who feel unwanted and are just misunderstood

    Some of their mates on this site might tell them that RESPECT has to be earned not DEMANDED

    ghosty the malaka lol.

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