It doesn't help when you have for example, the NY mayor...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    It doesn't help when you have for example, the NY mayor encouraging people to protest. And to think, Hillary Clinton could have been the leader of the free world and was organising people to go into Trump rallies with the sole purpose of causing violence. University lecturers and professors are often fear for the jobs if they divulge their conservative political beliefs and universities are a breeding ground of intolerance. Even in Australia we have our HRC siding with a woman over feeling offended over kids expressing their dismay over segregation of computers based on colour.

    I know i've always thought of myself as a pretty liberal thinking bloke but the whole liberal movement has moved or morphed into some Nazi regime acting as the thought police trying to engineer everyone in society to their way of thinking. To think university students are demonstrating over a university employee using a Thomas Jefferson quote because he was a slave owner. The wiping or rewriting history is another favourite.

    I just can't believe that these types of people are supposed to be the same types that once fought for the likes of Hugh Heffner, Larry Flynt, even Howard Stern to have the freedom to be politically incorrect. I can't believe i identify more with political parties that are well known for their rigid, ridiculous hard core religious conservatism, but the left is giving people no other alternatives and there is no way i could identify with the lunacy coming out of most of the left these days.
    Last edited by nickyjames: 17/11/16
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