islam beware!

  1. 293 Posts.
    The murder of the Korean contractor just shows what sort of mongrels we are dealing with, both in Iraq & elsewhere including Oz. Go to any Mosque and you'll hear the Mullahs preaching from their Quranan anti western sentiment & violence. These same people particulary the Saudi's are the MOST hypocritical race on earth....Princes over 600 of them have raped the countries wealth.....private jets with mansions all over the world. These same people who can't wait to get out of their Dish Dashers the minute they are out of kingdom are all drinkers and in most cases philanderers & debauchers like the barbarians of old. Also, as is well know the majority of arab men like other although the Quran preaches decency and that homosexuality is evil they practise it.

    They are evil....we must not be fooled by their propaganda.

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