The actions of this man are absolutely abhorrent. To associate...

  1. 88 Posts.
    The actions of this man are absolutely abhorrent.  To associate his actions with the rest of the 1.3 billion people would not be accurate.

    1. ISIS are a bunch of miscreants whom do not follow Islam in any way, shape or form.
    2. Their so called beliefs are severe perversions of the Quran and Hadith.
    3. There are verses pertaining to violence in the Quran and Hadith but they were revealed at a period of time when there was ongoing conflict between clans, idolators, Christians and other empires trying to conquer the world etc.  Everyone was fighting everyone.  These verses need to be read in their historical context and NOT applied in modern times.
    4. ISIS are very clever in their manipulation of people whom "do not fit in" or people whom are easily swayed.  look at the red head Aussie convert whom was bullied growing up that went to fight and if I can recall died in Syria.  They emotionally manipulate these kids into feeling welcomed, loved, a brotherhood and manage to convince them that what they are doing is God's work.  They use verses out of context to fuel their ideologies and agenda's.
    5. If 1.3 billion people agreed with ISIS then the entire planet and every single country would be a war zone like Syria.
    6. ISIS have killed more MUSLIMS than anybody else.
    7. Syrian's are beautiful, peaceful, kind loving people that were affected by this cancer called ISIS.  They lived in peace with everyone and their Christian brothers side by side.  Until this was unleashed upon them.

    Sorry if I have gone off-topic but as for the article, I have bolded some key points in which I believe that the perpetrator was mentally unstable and homophobic.  He had affiliations to ISIS but then his actions do not line up with his own personal beliefs.  He was not very religious according to his ex-wife.  So was someone able to manipulate him into performing these acts under the banner of ISIS?

    I know some very religious Muslims and when they hear the name ISIS they spit on the ground and start talking about them in disgust.  So I do believe that the greater issue is to tackle extremeist groups.  As normal everyday Muslims are just very normal people that want the same as every other Australian.

    He was not a stable person,” she told the Post. “He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”
    She said they met online and he “seemed like a normal human being,” but was “very private.” She said he wasn’t very religious and worked as a guard at a facility for juvenile delinquents.

    "His father said that Mateen was angered because he saw two men kissing in front of his young son, NBC News reports."
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