Islamic Youth site., page-26

  1. 840 Posts.
    re: What is the Islamic Youth Movement?
    The following is taken from the website - Yep, it's just another internet site alright.

    What is the Islamic Youth Movement?

    The Islamic Youth Movement (IYM) is a group of Muslims who's aim is to please Allah (s.w.t.).

    Their creed (I'tiqad) and methodology (Manhaj) are based on The Book of Allah (s.w.t.) and the Sunnah of His beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), according to the understanding of the righteous pbordoecessors.

    They have an Amir (leader/president), a Shurah (consultative/executive) Committee, and a number of other committees and divisions.

    [The Islamic Youth Movement is registebordo as a non profitable organisation.]


    The IYM concentrates on many fields, including:

    Da'wah & Education
    This includes study circles in Lakemba Mosque (the largest mosque in Sydney/Australia), in addition to classes for youngsters.
    The IYM also runs At-Taqwa Satu*day School for Arabic and Islamic studies, hosting over 120 male and female school students.


    Media & Publications: The Media Office
    Please click here to see information about the Media Office and its various activities.

    Sports & Recreation
    Observing the need for physical education and its role in building the Muslims of tomorrow, the IYM is involved in a number of sporting activities. These include Soccer, Volley Ball, Table Tennis... etc.
    Al-Fajer is IYM's sports club.
    Other activities include Islamic camps, picnics and the 2 Eid carnivals.

    Relief & Aid Activities
    The IYM also runs the "Needy and Orphan Sponsoring" project. Although this project is relatively small, it has proven effective.
    Its mechanism is simple: Any person wishing to join needs to commit him/herself to a set amount of money ($20, $15, $10, $5, $etc.) that he/she has to pay at the beginning of every month. The amount of money collected from all the different members is used to sponsor orphans, mainly in Tripoli - Lebanon. The good thing about this new mechanism is that the member is not sponsoring a specific orphan, though he/she can if they wish too. This saves the orphan all the trouble when the sponsorer decides to stop his donations. Another advantage is that the $30 or $40 per month that is given to the orphan's guardian(s) is not donated by just one person, rather by 3, 4 or even 5 people. Thus the responsibility is shared by more than one person.

    Another important advantage is that the money can be used for other than orphan sponsoring, when needed. Previous other-than-orphan-sponsoring experiences included covering the costs for medicines and/or medical operations, subsidising one student at Al-Azhar in Cairo. In addition to larger scale donations, such as contributing in relief projects for Muslims in Bosnia, Chechnya, Somalia, Lebanon, Algeria.. etc.

    Money for Zakat, Zakat al-Fitr and Qurbans (Adahis) is also collected at certain times.


    General Information About
    Nida'ul Islam Magazine
    Towards Objective Islamic Media
    In such a dynamic world of changing events, it is difficult to obtain a concise and unbiased coverage of Islamic issues.
    In publication since January 1994, and a readership from all over Australia and overseas, Nida'ul Islam has proven to be amongst the best sources of authentic Islamic literature and topics covering the whole Muslim world.
    An independent magazine, Nida'ul Islam will provide you with news that directly affects you with regular articles on the political sphere, articles on the youth, Islamic economics, women, special reports etc...
    By subscribing to Nida'ul Islam you will be effectively encouraging the establishment of a professional Islamic media.
    Whether for personal or study purposes, by subscribing to Nida'ul Islam you will receive this bi-monthly magazine, an essential item for any library, organisation, or household.


    Publisher & History
    Nida'ul Islam is a bi-monthly magazine published in over 60 pages in both the Arabic and English languages. It is produced by the Islamic Youth Movement - Media Office, Sydney-Australia.

    Nida'ul Islam's first issue was out in January 1994. Since then, its readership has increased to over 4,000, mainly in Australia, with about 1/6 of them being in Northern America, Europe and other parts of the world.

    Price per copy: AU$3.00 in Australia, US$3.50 Overseas.


    Goals, Principles & Strategy
    Nida'ul Islam is one of very few Islamic magazines published in Australia. The crucial need for objective Islamic media tools, with which Muslims can voice their views and concern, was behind the establishment of Nida'ul Islam.

    Nida'ul Islam's Goals can be summarised in what follows:

    Originating subjective Islamic media which adheres to the pure teachings of Islam.
    Clearifying and presenting the Truth in a direct un-compromising way.
    Reflecting the views of the Jihad stream amongst the Islamic movements.
    Safeguarding and standing up to the zionist-crusade assaults against Islam and Muslims.
    Planting and promoting the authentic Islamic teachings and principles, which are based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah as understood by our Salaf Salih - the first three guided generations, our righetous predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them all.
    Presenting the Islamic alternative since Islam is a complete system of life, and supplying the Islamic rulings with regards to the modern inventions, especially on the economical side.
    Striving towards producing a section in the society which understands Islam to its true reality, and which realises that Jihad is the only path to establishe the Islamic State, and which therefore acts accordingly.
    Confronting and responding to the misguidance and misconseptions promoted by the deviated sects, and which are directly supported by the international Jeudo movements and the Free Masons.
    Clearifying the important and contreversial Islamic concepts to the sons of the Islamic movements.
    Maintaining the Islamic identity in the Western societies and bidding to strengthen their ties with the Muslim Ummah, so that they may share its sorrows and happiness.
    Giving the youth generation the attention it requires, since it forms the fuel for the Islamic movement in general and the Jihad stream in specific.
    Important Guidelines and Principles Adopted by the Magazine
    Independence. Nida'ul Islam is not part of a specific organisation on the international sphere.
    Subjectiveness in its presentations. However, this subjectiveness abides and is judged according to the Islamic values.
    Undauntedness and fearlessness in analysing and writings, since we fear no one but Allah (s.w.t.). Wisdom, however, is to be applied according to the main legitimate interests.
    Specialisim, since Nida'ul Islam addresses a specific section in the society, and that is the committed youth generation which holds sufficient Islamic understanding. This however does not mean to ignore the other sections of the society, but the main emphasis and concentration should be on the youth section.
    Excellence, since Nida'ul Islam aims at covering the topics and issues relevant to the Muslim nation as a whole, and avoids covering issues of small or no importance, or issues which are repeated and covered by a large number of Islamic publications.
    Clarity in coverage.

    Nida'ul Islam's future strategy includes:

    Publishing it on a monthly basis.
    Publishing an international Arabic-only edition, and an international English-only edition.
    Recruiting more youths in media activities. This should include journalisim, typesetting and design.


    Why Subscribe to Nida'ul Islam?
    Nida'ul Islam equips today's Muslim readers with an Islamic perspective of contemporary, social, political and economic events which affects the Ummah.

    By subscriping to Nida'ul Islam you will be provided with regular cover-stories analysing crucial global and domestic Islamic affairs.

    This is in addition to exclusive interviews with leading Muslim figures, and regular topics which includes: The Islamic Creed, an examination of Muslim youths, an insight in the meanings of the Holy Qur'an, Stories of the Companions, and many other relevant issues.

    From as little as $20,
    you can subscribe for a whole year in
    one of the most authentic voices of truth.


    How Can You Support Nida'ul Islam?

    The Muslim Ummah is witnessing one of the most decisive phases in its modern history. On the one hand Muslims -of whom many are ignorant of their own religion- are being persecuted by the enemies of Islam, their own countries are ruled by un-Islamic laws and regulations, and the pro-Zionist controlled media outlets strive in attacking and reflecting the darkest image possible of Islam, especially its Jihad movements. Whereas on the other hand the Islamic awakening is spreading all over the globe, and the soldiers of Islam are striving to rise the Word of Allah, and establish His religion on Earth.
    That is when the need for authentic Muslim media tools arises, and that is why we ask you to support Nida'ul Islam.
    Nida'ul Islam's team consists of a handful of volunteers and semi-volunteers. They need your support.


    How can you help?
    You can support Nida'ul Islam in many ways, including:

    Selling and promoting the magazine.
    You must keep in mind that financial benefit is never the goal behind this magazine. The only goal is to please Allah (s.w.t.) by defending and calling to His religion. Therefore, your contribution in publicising and promoting Nida'ul Islam will Insha' Allah give you some of those most needed rewards in the Hereafter.
    How many magazines do you think you can sell at your local mosque or Islamic centre? We will gladly supply you with any reasonable number of copies you want. Please E-mail us at [email protected] for more details. We are especially in need of distributors in Australia.

    You can also publicise Nida'ul Islam at your local mosque or Islamic center, in your MSA's newsletter or magazine.

    Technical and human support.
    This is a very vast area indeed. You might want to act as our correspondent in your area/country, or you might have some technical experience in design and layout or typesetting that you want to aid us with (we are especially in need of an Arabic desktop publishing software that runs on Windows). Or you may be a Muslim scholar or a journalist who can offer subjective and constructive criticisms to change towards the best. We especially need your help if:
    You are a translator or have very good English or Arabic, and are willing to spend few hours in translating articles from/into English and Arabic.
    You believe you can write one of: Seerah, Hadith, Poetry or Political (or any other topic you think is essential) articles for the magazine. Please E-mail us us for more details, and please send us samples of your previous writings if they are available.
    Media resources and information.
    If you are an editor of an Islamic magazine or newsletter, and think you can share your experience(s) with us, or you know of an authentic Islamic source of news covering our Muslim world, please do not hesitate in contacting us. We welcome any newspapers, magazines or newsletters you can send us, whether by mail, fax or Electronic mail.
    Financial support.
    This is the reason why most of the Islamic media tools are not up to the challenge. Most work is carried by volunteers who lack the time. That is why it is crucial to have fully paid employees for the magazine to keep in circulation.
    Your donations can be sent through a cheque or money order payable to the:
    Islamic Youth Movement to the following address:
    PO Box: 216 Lakemba,
    NSW 2195 Australia
    or through a direct bank transfer to our bank account:
    Account Name: Islamic Youth Movement.
    Account Number: 012 313 3539 05219.
    ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Corporation), Lakemba Branch, Haldon Street, Lakemba NSW 2195, Australia.


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