"When did u mention clearly that ur are posting from Israel"As I...

  1. 3,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    "When did u mention clearly that ur are posting from Israel"
    As I mentioned - multiple times. Had you read what I wrote you would not have to embarrass yourself.

    "You must give credit to Ihe Israeli government and the psychological IDF unit in manipulating the mindset of the Israeli people!"
    Seriously! What are you on? The "mindset of the Israeli people" is a direct response to the wars that have been waged upon us and the fact that one never knows when an Arab, yes, an Arab, a man, woman, radicalised youth, mother or other, will wander up to a coffee shop, pull out a knife, and start stabbing people like a wild murderous banshee, or when a terror organisation will decide it's time to fire rockets and drones and ATM's indiscriminately at homes in civilian towns with the aim just to kill people - you must give credit to these barbarians.
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