Isn't Pauline Hanson right?, page-140

  1. 9,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18254
    So you haven't answered my questions given we are in the 21st century and things have moved on from prehistoric views and the Catholics have moved on. Now specifically:
    1. Australia has apologised to the Aboriginal people for the things they have done there. So what is your point - my point from my post was quite simple, Catholics have moved on so what was your point? We should adhere to Islam or allow Islam to dictate Australia's future? Not sure what your point is but my hope is that the moderate muslims take charge and throw out the morons in their group so that we can all get on together better. I have worked with muslims and by the way nearly all are fine, but they seem to not care too much what is going on in their own religion.
    2. If you know me, I have said I am an immigrant and have previously said anyone, of whatever religion who commits a crime in Australia be deported (i.e have citizenship stripped and that would include me who was born in Europe).
    3. I will always disagree with you on the Burka. Been covered up head to toe in 40 degree heat in WA is a disgrace. The hijab is fine. Modesty doesn't translate to been completely covered. We will differ on that sorry. Also, by the way been fully covered up is also against security issues as well - just imagine if I walked into a bank covering my face up. By the way I have travelled extensively through the middle east and been a catholic there is no picnic by the way, and I have seen how men treat there women there who are fully covered by the burka. This argument from my own experience is a fallacy - call it for what it is, men repressing their women. As I said the hijab is fine.
    4. Muslims more Christian than Christian these days - ye right, how come most wars are in the middle east with muslims killing muslims because they have different views on the Koran (Sunnis versus Shiites for example). As for Israel, well how would you feel if there are many in the middle east trying to take you out (as per the 4 wars they have had there). I think the moderate muslims need to take a stronger lead here IMO. Ultimately the are the ones feelong the pain for hard right morons in their religion in the Middle East.
    5. My point remains, both the Bible and Koran have terrible versus in them but one religion has moved on more than others. But by the way if you also know me I don't care where people come from when they come to Australia - I don't think we can take on unskilled labour anymore in Australia, that was my point and applies to all regardless of religion. Also to the right on this forum when you are in hospital, I don't think you would care less what religion your surgeon is. And for Pauline - remember the stuff on Chinese, most hospitals these days have lots of Asian doctors and nurses, so I support skilled migration regardless of where people come from.
    6. Moderate muslims need to take more action against the hardliners in their faith. It is an opinion.
    7. As to your post around paediphile priests, it is disgusting and a disgrace what priests did and they deserve what they get. But, to counter what is the muslim faith doing around people been allowed to marry minors in their religion let alone some of the stuff I have also read there? And honor killings?
    8. I personally believe that mosques should be opened to the public (like Catholic churches are) so that even the hard right can see that most are fine.
    9. I am not sucked in by the debate by the way. I have an open mind, even when reading Pew Research.
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