Seriously, luckily I don't have to argue with you on other...

  1. 9,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18268
    Seriously, luckily I don't have to argue with you on other threads:
    1. Dealt with that already, so stop changing the subject.
    3. Disagree, using selective examples. The burka represses women , full stop and has no place in Australian culture. The hijab does. Now lets really discuss this - when the Taliban were thrown out of Afghanistan on the whole, and some cities freed from ISIS recently, the main images you saw were women taking there burkas off (and smoking)
    4. Ireland - same sex couples can marry, Spain legal, most other countries accepted. That war is pretty well over. The current wars and disputes on a larger scale are in the Middle East. Lets talk same sex couples in the middle east?
    5. Tell me the last beheading in the Vatican. I am not sure why you are going so over the top here. Sunni - Shiites, the 6 arab states not taking refuges themselves etc etc is an issue in itself.
    6. Moderates need to get active. We have all got issues but if you want to counter Hanson and her followers you have to take more action and that action is currently lacking IMO among modeartes. By the way, in another thread many moons ago I said the most stupid thing the west ever did was out Hussain and Gadaffi. That in itself says something when you need a ruler with a hard fist to stop its own people clashing because of different views on what the religion stands for. The subsequent void was filled with extremists, so the west clearly has some blame here as well for how ISIS for example has come up of late. We don't see these types of religious clashes in Europe anymore do we of the scale we see in the middle east (Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq. just imagine what would happen in Iran if the ruler there was kicked out) etc etc. Christianity is quite wide definition but you don't die these days in Italy because you practice one brand of Christianity over another.
    7. Not enough have spoken out and it still seems to be accepted. As for underage, you go to jail in Western Countries for that but in the middle east? Also I have a daughter, and well at the moment where my concern most lies.
    8. Try going to Mecca as a non-muslim, and then compare that to Vatican city. I have been to a few mosques in my time, but have probably been refused entry in more mosques than I have been allowed to go into when in the middle east. Tried knocking on the door on the one in Perth and wasn't allowed in. Now how many catholic churches have you been knocked back from.
    9. New point 9 for you. I personally think that rhe issue is probably more geographical than anything else. Spent time in Indonesia and Malaysia and Turkey and you don't face the extremists as much as you see in the middle east. Refer back to point 6.
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