I feel very sad for everyone in Gaza for Gods sake I wish the...

  1. 51 Posts.
    I feel very sad for everyone in Gaza for Gods sake I wish the press and some governments around the world would grow some balls and tell Isreal they must stop, but maybe they lost balls and bottle years ago, Im sure they can grow back given some time, many people are making lots of money with this present situation, history has shown this from past wars, I could go on about this but wont for now, but I must say the UN has been useless when it comes to telling Isreal to stop killing their own staff and so many other people as well, what a joke they are, as useless as tits on a bull, I saw a childs face before she died she was so scared trying to hug her mother as hard as she could, until her body went limp.
    Im sorry to say nothing will change until the many sides can bury the past but this will be even harder now since Isreal has again killed so many people in Gaza shame on them for this.
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