Sorry boyce...ur arguments are all flawed...there were Paganist...

  1. 1,201 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Sorry boyce...ur arguments are all flawed...there were Paganist ancient Sumerians and Egyptians....The akkadian Sumerian tribe had an Empire in mesopotania....this Semetic Akkadian Empire descended to the Cnaanites whom migrated to Judea. Abraham had two kids - Isaac and Ishmail. Ishmail rebelled against the tribe...and went off on his own renouncing his lineage...Ishmail interbreeded with other paganist Sumerian/Egyptians of the time...hence descendents of Ishmail are Sumerian/Egyptian/Arabic ppls...they only formed Islam in 600 BC....The Israelites descendents of ancient Sumer Semetics (akkadians)...formed Judaism. Sure a lot of the first testament is similar to ancient Sumerian texts and tablets....I don't DENY this....But the TRIBAL ROOTS of the Israelites lies in Sumer and finally into Judea. Judea belonged to no-one at the time. Why? Bcoz it was 80pct desert. The Israelites built Judea, the infrastructure, the old city and Temple. Before the Israelites, there was NADA there, no infrastructure all desert n swamp lands. So the Israelites built their home there. NO one really had a home there or any association w 80pct desert land and slum swamps. The Israelites not only built the first infrastructure, they had a kingdom monarchy there - a STATE. King titus extradited the original tribe and builders of Judea and Judean infrastructure, renamed it PALESTINA....the phlishim /plistines were greeks from Rhodes lol. They had nothing to do with Israel/Judea/palestina. But yes , one of Abrahams kids Ishmael belonged to the cnaanit tribe, but he rebelled against the tribe and the family and renounced his association.

    Bottom line boys - the original infrastructure of the 500km strip, the old city , the temples...were established by the Israelite tribe...before them it was infrastructure 80pct desert n swampland....the Israelites built the first infrastructure, the first STATE/Kingdom/Monarchy....

    Sepharidic jews roots is in the original tribe....they were extradited ...went to Europe and interbreeded (obviously)...till this day 65% of the pop are Mizrahi sepheradic SEMETIC jews ie the original Israelites akin to first fleet aussies. Ashkenazis european interbreeded jews aren't the majority
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