israel claims land in west bank, page-64

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hi orlando G ... "... The tribe lived there for 1000s years and are indigenous to that land....then along come the Romans and extradite them out....king Titus renames Judea to PALESTINA (a latin word)...subsequently the Jordanian from the nearby tribal borders and those working in the kingdom of Judea start calling themselves Palestinians and decide to WIPE OUT the 1000s years history of the Semetic Sumerian Akkadian Cnaanite Israelite tribe ... "

    You got it in one !!

    Exactly what I have read over time and have even visited ME on religious study tours .. jew, christian and islam.

    And argued here from time to time ... that there never was a nation of Palestine prior to, during or after the Axial Age until the Romans wiped out the Jews in 67AD following a revolt. To even wipe the memory of Jews, Judeah was changed to Palaestinia .. the Latin spelling of the after the coastal region of Phillistinia (inhabited by fierce Greek maritime traders)

    The war against Israel since inception is a 'religious' war .. Islam commenced with Mohammad around 630AD .. with the Jewish 'old testament' as the basis of the Quran and despite statements supporting of Jews have never treated them in a benevolent way. Islam also claims just about every Jewish/Christian relic and holy place as their own including no less than the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

    Just meee view ..

    Cheers ... tight stops.

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