Israel get the hell out, page-142

  1. 317 Posts.
    UN resolution 242 specifically mentions in the operative clauses that all rights have the right to live in peace free from threats or acts of war.

    apart from that it is a simple resolution lacking any detail at all:

    The SC is the only arm of the UN that passes what are effectively "cease and desist" notices, and this is only reinfocable under the threat of direct action by UN member states. As the US and NATO countries supply the main arms and weapons for any interceding force, a SC resolution is only enforceable if the US want it so.

    so really, this resolution means nothing in the face of this current skirmish.

    Is Israel going to bend to the will of the palestinians? not a chance.

    so their options are pretty limited in that regard and even if the Australian SC council resolution is passed, it will change very little on the ground, or in the conflict on general.

    Israel won't cease until it reaches it's objective and the palestinians won't bend, so where do you suggest the solution lies?
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