End of the day, the neighbouring Arabian tribes cannot fathom a...

  1. 1,201 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    End of the day, the neighbouring Arabian tribes cannot fathom a jewish tribe, state ...even if that state is 500km by 25km out of 600,000 sq km of Arabian land...Im sorry - but if we look at this from an INDIGINOUS PEOPLES perspective...the INDIGINOUS ppl of Judea/Palestine/Israel are the Israelite tribe....the INDIGINIOUS ppls of JORDAN are the Palestinians....The Israelites are the ABORIGINALS of Judea! So they have a right to Co-Exist. They have a right to their idiginous tribal roots. Just like the ABORIGINALS here in Australia . The arabs don't want to recognize this fact. Go tell and ABORIGINAL that his claim to his indiginus tribal roots and land 'doesn't count coz that was 1000s years ago' . The problem mostly stems from Arabian leaderships that cannot FATHOM that jews have an indigenous tribal claim to the land of Judea. We are in fact the Aboriginals of Judea. So you tell me 'whos actually occupying whom?' ...far as im concerned the Israelites rights to exist are being DENIED by neighbouring Arabian states who don't want a jewish state 1000km sq within 600,000 km sq of Arabian land. They couldn't even have the COMPASSION to let the jews back in after they were being raped and machine gunned and gassed. Im sorry, 1000km sq out of 600,000 sq km + of land os a joke. And the jews have the ABORIGINAL rights to that land. SO they do have a right to be there ...just as much as an ABORIGINAL has a right to be here. Whos occupyin whom , eh???
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