Israel has interests, too , page-14

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: Israel has interests, too -to Rabbitou The Muslims have no problem hanging onto every word that their Koran says.

    However, they also claim to believe in the Old Testament as does the Christian world. So if they believe in the Old Testament where there it clearly says who Israel belongs to, how have theymanaged to re-write history?

    Sure, if one thinks that the whole lot is ancient gibberish, fine. But they do not think that anthing that's ancient is gibberish, unless of course "It is not written in the Koran".

    The upshot is that they want the cake and to eat it as well. Let me give you a further example and it only means something to a believer, so for the sake of the argument let's sassume that you are a believer in the Old Testament.

    It says there in black and white, clearly and despite all the translations that have taken place over time, that Abraham intended to sacrifice his son, Isaac, whom the bible mentions by name. Yet in the Muslim religion it "morphed" itself to Ishmael.

    How? No one knows and it is on this basis that they make a claim to the holy land.

    When one looks up the Dead Sea Scrolls which predate Islam by at least 700 years, the scrolls accurately inscribe as does every Old Testament, that Abraham was promised this land via his son Isaac.

    So, to a believer, this is very relevant. But one cannot believe that the Bible is divine and at the same time make revolutionary changes when it suits them and this change then becomes the basis of what the dispute is all about.

    Yes, you are correct. The Arabs have been there a long time, but then so have the Jews. Longer than the Arabs in fact. That begs the question that the Israelites who came there in the first instance, displaced the original inhabitants, but to a believer as the Arabs claim they are, the world belonged to God and he therefore could do as he pleases and it "pleased him to give it as an eternal inheritance to the Israelites." If one does not believe that, then they cannot claim to believe in the Old Testament.

    Having said that, the facts on the ground are that the Arabs are there and so are the Jews. What does one do in todays day and age? Well, in 1947, the UN in it's wisdom partitoned Palestine (which was inhabited by Jewish Palestinians and Arab Palestinians) into 2 separate counties. One small section, a sliver was allocated to the Jews who wisely accepted something as every fool knows, except the Arafats of the world, that soemthing is better than nothing.

    And the rest was created into a country which never existed before, called Jordan.

    The rest ids history. Israel was attacked but won. upto 700.000 Arabs were displaced, could have been absorbed into Jordan but instead were kept deliberately in filthy camps. At the same time however, approx 700,000 Jews were booted out of surrounding Arab countries and their properties were confiscated.

    Unlike the Arabs with all their untold wealth who did not absorb their fellowrefugees, Israel on the other hand absorbed all the Jewish refugees. Basically there was a transfer of populations. Is anyone going to recompense the Jewish refugees just as the current crop odf "Palestinians Arabs" wish to be compensated by Israel?

    My prediction.

    The only way that Arafat will ever see another Palestinian state (and I believe they already have one -Jordan) will be for them to live as civilized people on a trial basis, in a truly democratic meethod that will convince the Israelis that they can live side by side in rear peace, just like the USA and Canada or Mexico.

    Until then, they will not have a state, they will have nothing but misert like they have had for the past 50 odd years. When they elect leaders who can truly represent their interests, and not the thugs that they do have, then there ill be a second Palestinian state.
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