Annnnd here we go again.. regurgitating BS without any intent to...

  1. 2,400 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    Annnnd here we go again.. regurgitating BS without any intent to query truth or source, solely to try and present a fake story and intent to harm Israel’s reputation. Not very clever of you, again.

    That photo at Deir al-Balah beach, in Gaza. Hmmm. What’s wrong with this photo? Anyone with any sense would question it.. Could it be the expensive Adidas t-shirt on the kid? No. I’ll give you all hint: It’s the dog. Stands out like a sore thumb. Hamevin yavin (He who understands will understand) the problem here.

    Jewish voice for peace, in their lack of integrity and aim to pull the wool over the minions eyes, stole a photo of a kid playing with his pet dog, from a Spanish website. The photo is from a Spanish beach.

    A site named shafaqna, posted an article and claimed its source was Aljazeera, with photos of Gazans on al-Balah beach, including this stolen photo, though the linked Aljazeera article did not include that photo.

    JVP took this photo of “this wonderful joyful Gazan kid and his pet dog”, most likely from the above mentioned site (because I doubt they would be so stupid to take it from the Spanish site, but am certain they would consume their fake news also without verifying items in their mal-intent)

    What you read is smoke and mirrors and the minions keeps drooling the bile onto forums like this like good little useful idiot sheep.

    There is no low to the extent that anti-Jew and anti-Israel and anti-Zionists (mix and match that how you like though to me it’s all one in the same) will go to try and vilify Israel and Jews.

    Be careful people.

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