"It’s only your opinion that Israel wants a war, as is your...

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "It’s only your opinion that Israel wants a war, as is your absurd opinion that Jews run the USA. (Your insulting use of the lower case’j’ is noted.)"

    And it was my opinion you were asking for so stop bitchin'. And jews are running the US, quite obviously. There's possibly 3 or 4 members of Congress who aren't in the backpocket of AIPAC. Thomas Massie explained the situation quite openly, just before his wife died. Why would he make it up? Explain that! Is he another person with the dreaded antisemitic genetic weakness? The go to excuse for you people, the gift of victimhood that keeps on giving!

    "Why is Israel’s action against 11 months of Hezbollah’s daily rocket etc attacks on Israel “escalation”?"

    Yeah, jews have done nothing at all these past 80 years, apart from killing anyone in their way routinely since they arrived in the area. You know an ex PM admitted that they killed a British official only because it wasn't practical to kill Churchill? Why would anyone trust these people in any way when such monstrous acts litter their history?
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