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    Yemeni refugee Mohammed Al Samawi in his book “The Fox Hunt”

    This is a dark age in Yemen, and hope flickers with the lights.  In the beginning of December 2017, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had been a partner to the Houthis, announced that he was willing to end his alliance with the rebels, stop the fighting in Sana’a and begin talks with Saudi Arabia.  Yemen waited in anticipation, and the United Nations encouraged both sides “to engage in the peace process” Two days later, the Houthis killed Saleh.  All that remained of the country I knew since my birth was gone.
    Talk of peace was over, and the Houthis made a televised announcement that everyone needed to pray to thank God for killing Ali Abdullah Saleh.  Baltagi, thugs, went door to door and demanded that every young man go to the mosque that night.  At the end of the khutbah, the sermon, they shouted “death to America, death to Israel, damn the Jews, victory for Islam!”  everybody had to join in.
    If anyone resisted, if anyone was rumoured to have supported the opposition, if anyone had a picture of Saleh in their house, the were seen as the enemy.  Informants scrutinized social media accounts; Facebook pages became proof of guilt.  A friend of mine was taken.  If I had been there, I wouldn’t have had a chance.”

    Sounds like China during the “Cultural Revolution”!
    He goes on to say this.  Just change some names and he could be talking about Gaza.

    “If the civil war in Yemen seems to be so far away, think of it like this: right now a generation is growing up as hostages to the Houthis and the Saudis.  They don’t realise this is the case but they are.   Not only that, but the Houthi rebels have been hoarding relief supplies ( including Cholera medications) that generous nations and organisations have gotten in despite the no-fly zones.  Do young people in need of relief know that this is happening?  No.  What they see and hear is strictly controlled.  When lives are filled with doubt and uncertainty, when you live in unacknowledged ignorance, you resort to believing those in power, those in control.  In Yemen, that means extremist clerics.  That means Al Qaeda.  That means ISIS.
    Right now under our very noses an army is being recruited and trained by extremists and terrorists.”
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