1. 36 Posts.
    Hamas always referred to as terrorists, what they really are are resistance fighters who are reacting against the 50 years of oppression and slaughter of Palestinians which the Jewish owned press never report. Fact - the BBC never televised any of the genocide charges brought against Israel by S.Africa at the court in the Hague but they did televise the Israeli response attempting to defend itself. How about that for fair press coverage?

    The case is a political stunt by SA and we will see the result of the case will go in Israel's favour as they are NOT commiting genocide.

    Palestinians are regularly murdered in the West Bank by settler thugs protected by the IDF who want nothing less than the expulsion of Palestinians from what the Zionists regard as 'Greater Israel'.

    This should not happen.

    The ultra-right neo-Nazi Netanyahu and his band of old guards who want nothing less than the extermination of all Arabs from Israel are beginning to realise they are on the wrong side if history. They have made Israeli Jews far less secure now with their total destruction of northern Gaza - don't they realise you can't defeat ideology with bombs and bullets? the US tried in in Vietnam and they failed miserably, the Germans tried it in WWII with terror bombing but it didn't work then either.

    This is completely false. Arabs in Israel are not discriminated against nor not wanted. Arabs have a higher proportion than Jewish as Doctors and Professors in Universities. Speak to an Arab in Israel if you dont believe me. This view sounds very much like someone who has never interacted with either population.

    Until Netanyahu and his neo-Nazi followers are gone there will never be an end to the conflict in Gaza/West Bank.

    Debatable, there likely will never be a full end to the conflict. Netanyahu or not.

    Zionism/Nazism two sides of the same coin.

    You know this is wrong.

    Younger Jews in both America and Israel are beginning to realise they have been deceived by their elders and leaders into thinking the Palestiniians want to eliminate them, but now see they have only been educated about one side of the story. Netanyahu will not last.

    Some yes, but some no. They are not educated on "one side of history".

    Watch the film 'Israelism' produced by Jewish directors and Jewish activists. Jewish lobbies are trying desperately to block the film from being shown.

    Okay will watch.

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