"I'll never understand why you and your Jew-hating mates such as...

  1. 7,243 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "I'll never understand why you and your Jew-hating mates such as @MirCat and @AverageJoe have such an obsessive need to take every discussion off the track by (a) not responding directly to a comment or question and (b) resorting to "whataboutery".

    You're the common component to these discussions. Perhaps you then are the problem? Just a thought.

    Anyway, I've responded to your comment which was
    ""If you were wise, you would know that the “influence to which you refer does not equal “ownership”."

    when I said

    It doesn't "equal" ownership, but it is certainly a good guide. Don't let the perfect definition be the enemy of the very good definition.

    Not agreeing with me does not mean I'm resorting to "whataboutery". I know that's a tricky notion for an old Jew burdened with a lifetime of believing non Jews are all wrong and hate him, but that's how it is old boy.

    My belief is that certain Jews influence US politics and its financial system to the benefit of Israel, and, with that, to the detriment of everyone else. With each passing day, more and more people agree with that point of view.
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