Speaking of the ***, if there were going to be another...

  1. 43,066 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1024
    Speaking of the ***, if there were going to be another 'Six-day war' condition, it would have been when Iran launched the counter-strike on their consular bombing. Instead, we have Arab neighbors providing military services including air space approval. Israel is not threatened by its Arab neighbors.

    We can argue till the cows come home but Israel's lasting peace died with the 2 leaders who wanted genuine peace.

    I can't help but keep laughing at the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious West resorting to the bog brush to try and tip-toe on 2 concurrent conflicts with the same bad explanations. excuse, intentions, tactics. and strategy.

    Unlearn what your biology teacher taught you at primary school, ditto the earlier social education the culture molded you on right and wrong. Everything is GREY.

    It is your right to deny that genocide is unfolding but somehow pro-peace student protests suddenly became violent protests supporting Khamas. I don't see any students wearing green headbands with plenty of Jewish students joining the protests. I think this riles the Zionists the most! At least you are not like that mug @Trumper who can't differentiate between Judaism and Zionism.

    I can distinguish between Islam and ISIS, AL-Qaida, including all the Als'. Fancy that article on Nazi war criminals enlisted as Mossad agents? Gives a new impetus to the captured senior ISIS commander who turns out to be a Mossad too!
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