Oh, you went accusing me of NOT knowing facts to accusing me of...

  1. 18,600 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2629
    Oh, you went accusing me of NOT knowing facts to accusing me of being an Agent of some foreign powers.

    Lol...Projection Much???

    I note, you didn't refute any of the FACTS I presented.

    Now, its play the man, not the ball anymore.

    Well, let me continue with your theme of "playing the man"

    To answer your question: No, little boy, just having better knowledge than you will ever have. Btw, I was a Zionist at Uni, but found out the difference between Lies and Facts.

    And you will note in the above statement of 1944, the British accused the Zionists of carrying out Terrorism - there was no mention of Muslim or Christian Arab; just Zionists being terrorists, which they accused of carrying out bombings, shooting and assassinations - in order to achieve their political objectives!!!

    That's who they (Zionists) were - terrorists, who were trying to drive the Palestinian out.

    Of course, now, its the Palestinian carrying out terrorism to drive the Zionists out.

    I will leave you with a few Ben Gurion's statements at the time:

    “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
    David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

    Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
    — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

    Last edited by Cosmoterios: 22/05/24
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