"irresponsible parenting"If call holding up, supporting and...

  1. 1,999 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    "irresponsible parenting"
    If call holding up, supporting and protecting murderous Jihadi militants, their means and weapons, from where they operate and act, in your building or apartment, making it a legal military target, "irresponsible parenting" then I do believe you really are living in Lala Land and grasping now at any straw you can.

    "would blow them up"
    So now suddenly you reflect that Israel "would" blow up their own children again because it suits your argument now!

    I don't think you are very good at understanding this war thing, let alone rhetoric complexities of this particular war. Probably best you settle down to a warm tea with milk and cookies and an episode of The Golden Girls.
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