It is impossible to justify Israels actions unless you consider...

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    It is impossible to justify Israels actions unless you consider Palestinians don't have the universal human rights.

    From the Human Rights Council

    D. Overview of Israeli military operationsAirstrikes and munitions

    75. During the first six weeks of the hostilities the Israeli Air Force (IAF)carried out a campaign of intense air bombardment, using aircrafts and armed
    drones, including the Hermes 450 (referred to by ISF as “Zik”). Between 7 and12 October 2023, ISF dropped approximately 6,000 bombs on the Gaza Strip.Civilian objects including high-rise office buildings, towers, housingapartments, the Al Rimal neighbourhood in Gaza City, the Jabal ia and Shatirefugee camps, and other locations near the Rafah crossing with neighbouringEgypt, among others, were targeted with air strikes, which wreaked devastationand razed entire city blocks and residential neighbourhoods to rubble in near -constant heavy bombardment.53

    76. By 10 November 2023, 35 days into the military operation, ISF reportedattacking over 15,000 “Hamas targets” and seizing around 6,000 weapons,including anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, rockets, ammunition andexplosives.54 On 10 November 2023, Gaza’s Media Office of the Hamasauthorities reportedly claimed that the ISF had dropped about 32,000 tons(29,000 tonnes) of explosives had been dropped on the Gaza Strip by the ISFsince 7 October 2023. An estimated 45,000 bombs were dropped by air duringthe first 89 days of hostilities, according to the Gaza Media Office. On 28October 2023, an ISF General stated “we are deploying firepower that hasnever been seen before in the Gaza Strip”.55

    77. The Commission observes that the ISF repeatedly subjected urban areasin the Gaza Strip to heavy bombardment with explosive weapons with wide-area effect, rather than precision guided (or “smart”) weapons, leading to thecomplete destruction of neighbourhoods. Moreover, the number of targetsstruck in this operation significantly exceeded previous ISF campaigns againstarmed groups in the Gaza Strip. For instance, according to reports, duri ng the2021 “Guardian of the Walls” operation, Israel targeted 1,500 sites in 11 days,while during the 2014 “Protective Edge” operation between 5,266 and 6,231targets were hit over 51 days. The number of bombs used by Israel since 7October is extraordinary even in comparison to other world conflicts. Onemilitary expert said “Israel is dropping in less than a week what the US wasdropping in Afghanistan in a year, in a much smaller, much more denselypopulated area, where mistakes are going to be magnified”.

    78. The Commission notes that the IAF uses a wide range of fighter aircraft ,including the US-manufactured F-35s (known locally as Adir), F16s and F15s.These aircrafts are armed with the US-manufactured MK80 series of bombs –MK 82 (500lbs), MK 83 (1000lbs) and MK84 (2000lbs) – and also the BombLive Unit (BLU) series and the 250 lb small diameter bomb (SDB) series, alsosupplied by the United States. When fitted with precision guided kits, such asthe US-manufactured Joint Direct Attacks Munition (JDAM), these munitionsare termed the Guided Bomb Unit (GBU) series.

    79. These munitions are extremely powerful, with a large destructivecapacity when used in populated areas.56 What is common to all these weaponsis their shared ability to project blast and fragmentation effects from around apoint of detonation. The MK84 bomb can form a crate up to 15 m wide and11 m deep and can penetrate up to 38 cm of metal or 3.4 m of concrete,depending on the height from which it is dropped. Visuals of large impactcraters consistent with the MK84 bombs have been observed inneighbourhoods such as Jabalia and in southern Gaza. Given the wide -areaimpact, the Commission notes that use of these bombs in urban settings,especially in densely populated areas like Gaza City, is incompatible with international humanitarian law as they cannot adequately or accuratelydiscriminate between the intended military targets and civilian objects.

    80. According to a CNN investigation published on 14 December 2023, theUnited States Office of the Director of National Intelligence assessed weaponsused by the ISF and found that about 40 to 45 percent of the 29,000 air-to-ground munitions fired by the ISF against targets in the Gaza Strip wereunguided. Unguided bombs are those that are not fitted with precision guidedkit such as JDAMs or the Israeli–made SPICE. Dumb or unguided bombs havea wide margin of error of about 100 feet (about 30 metres) around theearmarked target. When asked for comments on the report, ISF spokespersonNir Dinar reportedly told CNN, “We do not address the type of munitionsused”.

    81. On 27 December 2023, IAF Chief of Staff Omer Tishler acknowledgedthat IAF uses unguided bombs yet dismissed the claim regarding theindiscriminate impact of such bombs, stating that “the claim that suchmunitions [unguided bombs] are indiscriminate or cause uncontrollabledamage is misleading. Even though these munitions are not GPS -guided, theyare still used accurately. It is released in a specific release point calculated bythe aircraft’s system to allow the pilot to strike a target accurately.” 57

    82. On the same day, Tishler also explained Israel’s use of heavy munitions.He stated that the IAF has been “conducting a precise, focused, and process -based campaign”.58 He further said “…why do we see so many craters? Heavymunitions are detonated underground preventing fragmentation andsignificantly reducing the blast wave and debris as a result. In these strikes, theresulting crater, visible in satellite images, indicates that the undergrounddetonation has actually occurred on a military target and directly minimizedthe damage to the surrounding areas. Additionally, in many cases we use smallPGMs (Precision Guided Munitions), to strike targets near sensitive areas…”. 59

    83. The Commission notes that contrary to ISF’s assertion, in manysituations when heavy munitions have detonated underground, they have alsocaused civilian casualties and immense damage to surrounding buildings, dueto the sheer weight of the weapons, the nature of the buildings and theirproximity to each other. The Commission reiterates that such heavy payloadweapons are unsuitable for use in Gaza, even if they are fired at military targets
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