do not just take watso's word for it, that the isreali army is...

  1. 29,623 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    do not just take watso's word for it, that the isreali army is pathetically weak ..


    israeli newspaper agrees with watso

    An Israeli Haaretz report says that the Prime Minister is "leading Israel to a strategic defeat against [the] small organization" Hamas.

    Israeli newspaper Haaretz described Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a report on Saturday as "stupid" and "weak," as he still hasn't understood that without a political solution, "Israel" will continue to be subjected to repeated attacks that could have severe consequences.

    In addition to this, the outlet also said that Netanyahu is a "liar, coward, panicked, and selfish" who is "unable to make decisions.

    in the not too distant future, countries fighting western imperialism will have their very own elite hamas brigades .. in recognition of the brave hamas fighters who took on the israeli vermin..

    but then again the isreali vermin are so pathetically useless - a sheep dog could round them up .. so no need for elite forces ..

    mmm guys in sandals and riding honda postie bikes defeated the americans in afghanistan ..

    and russians
    (poorly trained with low morale) fighting with shovels are teaching the highly motivated, american/nato trained ukrainians ,a lesson ..

    so many useless clown leaders in this world .. biden .. sunak ... zalenski .. natanyahu ... and best not forget our own useless clown .. ie albo (
    and potato head dutton is even worse )

    lucky that the world still has some real leaders .. eg st poots and the chinese guy (
    watso forgets his name right now )

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