It's not just that Netanyahu and his cronies are destroying Gaza...

  1. 2,856 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 309
    It's not just that Netanyahu and his cronies are destroying Gaza - they are also destroying Israel.

    There are many Israeli Jews who are slowly beginning to realise this - and in particulat young Jews both in Israel and overseas who realise they have been duped by their educators into thinking the Palestinians want to destroy them.

    So from being the oppressed, the Israeli Jews have now become the oppressors, turning Gaza and the West Bank into Ghettos/Concentration camps.
    The Israelis even have a Secret Police organisation to spy on their own citizens these days. Does that remind you of a man in the 1930's with a Charlie Chaplin mustache who instigated a World War?

    I thought Jews were smarter than that.

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