Israel on War Alert - Operation Swords of Iron enacted, page-2792

  1. 10,745 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 650
    you guys are absolutely priceless No one is saying what Hamas has done is good! no one should die NO ONE! I know you zionists don’t get it but you can abhor the killing on both sides. 700 dead children on the Palestinian side is looking a little bit of mass murder/war crime to me and any human with an ounce of humanity! I think a lot of you zionists have lost your humanity though sadly and are terrorises byany other name. As have/are Hamas but then if I was forced to live in an open air prison and had to endure the daily denigration, loss of land, price tag attacks and humiliation I could start to see why they have. The zionists on the other hand seem to take pride in it and then cry foul when the people they have treated like animals turn into animals… go figure…if only the Sth Africans could have come up with a term like anti semite I wonder if their apartheid regime would still be functioning…
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