Israel on War Alert - Operation Swords of Iron enacted, page-2872

  1. 1,859 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 170
    I appreciate you think you have an impartial view, but your facts are not impartial and some are incorrect.

    You neglect Arab immigration into the region at the same time as Jewish immigration. Palestinian nationalism in the early 1920 began. Don't forget the forced removal of Jews from their homes in 1929 riots in gaza, Hebron riots and murder and other places. Unfortunately, its not isolated to the Jews doing all the shit in this land.

    There are about 2 million arab Israelis living in israel with full citizenship. There are arab member of parliament, There are Arab supreme court judges, There are arab policeman and soldiers, arab bus drivers, lawyers, accountants, shop owners, land holders etc etc. They are as imbedded in israeli society as anyone with a full say. An arab can get elected as PM if they are successful, they can vote.. they get a say!

    I'll repost my previous post on the power of "Moving on"
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