miles why????????????????? Just when I was about to give you...

  1. 375 Posts.
    miles why????????????????? Just when I was about to give you some credit, you post this

    "totaly agree with you so therefore it must justify premtive strikes on the US and Israel."

    Let's start with Iraq.

    Iraq showed it's belligerant nature when it attacked it's neighbour Iran, a fellow Muslim country (which puts paid to all this brotherly love that Muslims have for one another).

    That war dragged on for 8-9 years and the worst imaginable attrocities ocurred during that time.

    Yes, I know you will equate Sadam with Sharon but I'm not even going to take that on board. That's Fallguy, Gaweb rubbish which I think you are above.

    Iraq's economy is up the spout and what does Sadam do? Invades Kuwait under a silly pretext but he only wanted their oil.

    Again, Iraq demonstated it's belligerant nature by attacking another Muslim country.

    Again, every Geneva convention law of conduct was broken. Not accidentally, but deliberately. Pillaging, rape, you name it Iraq did it.

    The USA led a multinational force to evict them and in the process, Iraq again demonstrated it's belligerant nature but with a little twist.

    It didn't attack a Muslim country but for a change fired scuds at Israel which did not participate in the coalition and showed enormous restraint by not retaliating.

    Now let's move on to the USA.

    Where has it shown it's indiscriminate belligerancy and the violition of the Rules of Conduct of Wars as per the Geneva Convention toward it's neighbours?

    So no doubt you will bring up Viet Nam.


    The US had nuclear weapons, but didn't use them against the Soviets during the cold war nor in Viet Nam.

    In fact the US learnt a lesson from Viet Nam.

    Basically, the US has been goaded and provoked time and time again since those days.

    But 9/11 finished it off. The giant has awakened.

    But despite his awakening he's still going through the processes that Iraq never could.

    Bush had to get the ok of Congress and the Senate which are not rubber stamps as per Iraq.

    The US has WMD but it's hands are severly tied as to how and when it can use them.

    Sadam faces no such barriers. He will use them if it suits him and he has to consult NO ONE!

    Now onto Israel.

    You might argue that Israel is doing to the Palestinians what Sadam did to his neighbours.

    This is sheer nonsence.

    You know that this could stop tomorrow, no today, if only all the factions on the Palestinian side would say, let's sit and talk, no more terror, and then ensure that it was not only rhetoric.

    The Palestinians have their own motives as to why they won't so, but until they do, they will get the raw end of the stick.

    Sadam did not give any of his neighbours the time of day as the Israelis give the Palestinians.

    He just invaded and invaded.

    Do the Israelis invade and invade?

    Till you get your mind around the fact that Israel was attacked on 4 different ocassion and in the process either annexed or for it's own security, re-occupied areas that it felt were in its national interest, comapring Israel to Iraq is most probably one of the silliest comments you have in all of your posts.

    If no Arab country had attacked Israel, she would still be stuck behind the 1948 borders.

    Israel fought in self defence.

    Every honest person here knows that.

    Iraq has never fought in self defence.

    Israel has WMD but has not used them, even when on the brink of disaster in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

    As I posted earlier, the USA and Israel are not guilty of anything by posessing WMD.

    They have shown that they conduct themselves in a democratic and responsible fashion when it comes down to it.

    Iraq never has, never is, and never will.

    For all of the gripes you may have against the US, they are the most generous nation on this planet.

    Without them, who knows where we would be.

    More than likely under the boot of some tryrant like Sadam Hussein.

    Your "pre-emptive" comment is simply out of place and unjustified.

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