nam miles waste of time Nambucca wrong again.I have been in...

  1. 375 Posts.
    nam miles waste of time Nambucca wrong again.

    I have been in email contact with Snooker on a regular basis, and have recently met with him face to face.

    I share most of his views re Israel although I come to my conculsions from a different perspective. Very different.

    Whilst we have a totally diiferent outlook on the religious approach to the problems facing the Jews,and where I believe Israel should be heading I have found
    him to be cordial, passionate and commited.

    Yes, he is right wing in his views, however I appreciate that if I shared his background, more likely than not, I would be the same.

    By the way, I've had a quiet beer with him several times during the past month, and we have disagreed, but in a respectful and meaningful way.

    Since his leave of absence I took it upon myself to "man the watch".

    I'd rather not be doing it as it takes up far too much of my time. Snooker may be able to afford the time.

    I still have to work for a living.

    And to be quite frank with you, I have better things to do than to waste time trying to rationalise with folk who simply are incapable of any kind of balanced points of view.

    Whilst you are at it perhaps you can explain

    Fallguy's last post
    General re: us special forces alredy in iraq? 14/02/03 11:12 and your sudden emerging from nowhere as

    Member: Nambucca
    Member Since: 14/02/2003 6:10:00 PM

    I believe Snooker was also expelled the same day. Yet you have an excellent memory of the finer points not only my posts but in addition, those of Snooker .

    I wonder what would have prompted you to do such a thorough research on our posts, particularly some of mine that go back over 4 months?

    Unless of course you didn't have to?


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