israel tears up the peace plan, page-9

  1. 831 Posts.
    If Yaks is an attribute to intellect then long may we remain ignorant and be blessed for it. Sharon is nothing more than a manifestation of the ugly Israeli. And unfortunately there are many more of these than good ones. I hope it is passing fad but alas no.

    The idea of provoking wars with the Arabs goes back to its creation. Basing ones right to other peoples lands on the writings of and old Greek fable called the Bible is not the basis for the creation of any right.

    Long before the Jews imitated what had already been established, mans craving for the knowledge of the universe and the unknown attributing it all to a superior force whereby schizo's like Abraham and Moses would hear voices which would guide them and their equally sun stroke driven followers into various rituals in the desert, killing, looting and then calling on the almighty, the Assyrians, Chinese, Indians had already established the pattern with one difference. They claim no right on fables.

    Israel has never had any intention of making peace with the Arabs or anyone else for that matter. Deutoronomy is evidence the the madness of the belief in this Brahminical self righteous bunch of racists and their dirty minds.

    Destroy anything that lives or moves in the land of canaan. Menachim Begin that other thug who created the Hamas and Hezbollah in the hope it would destroy the PLO was himself clear that Judea and Samaria (Lebann) would be theirs one day. Then moving forward he pointed to Syria.

    These Hitlerian mutants have to be stopped in their tracks. The Iraq war was a distraction for these Shylocks to regroup and continue their bloody handiwork on innocents. So the Hammas killed 4 Israeli soldiers, does that justify killing children?? Cowards!!

    The two sides are grid locked. Israel cannot win but the Victory to the Arabs (PLO) will not be without a price they are not prepared to pay or have not endured for over 50 years. Psychologically they have endured and do not know any different. They are more mentally prepared thean the Israelis.

    The Ira disaster was engineered by Sharon and Nathanyahu's mates in Washington. Paul Wolfowitz. Suharto's principle backer and bloodthirsty dog who will drag himself and everyone of his ilk down with him.

    I feel the innocent amongst the Israeli population are equally victims of this Jewsih ritual. Suicide bombers how different are they to Baruch Goldstein?? he knew he would be killed like every soldier who is trained to embrace the possibility of death. Suicide bombers are more effective and psychologically more devastating to their Jewish enemies. Thats the difference. Why are you asking they remain subservient to yu always and suffer the victim mentality of your forefathers?? "2,000 years of persecutions?"

    I was in Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv for three weeks recently with my former tutor whose son had been blown up by a suicide bomber. His thoughts were equally with those of the bomber and his family as it was with his deceased son. His grief was real. The news readers and military spokespersons from the IDF were contrived rubbish of people posing and mourning in a ritualistic way as to make a mockery of the funeral.

    Like the dirty businessman who used a perceived threat by Al Queida against him ( the commonwealth police have denied any knoweldge of this) you in the diaspora make an industry of your persecution complex. Either go to Israel and die or live in peace here. We have been dragged far enough into your filthy existence.

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