Israel to Intervene in Syria?, page-167

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    Whether it is 60,000 or 150,000 Iranian missiles. Anyone who thinks that Israel will not survive it is deluded. Israel is all about survival. They will still be there when the rest of the Middle East has turned itself into a radioactive sore....And anyone who would dare to attack Israel even with a massive conventional weapon attack - would face extinction. It should be obvious to everyone by now. They are not going down to the last ships from Tel Aviv..... ever. If they go down, the whole Middle East goes with them....It is already a repugnant hell-hole - Israel will make it that and worse - forever. As they should under existential attack.

    That said, Iran was a nice place under the Shah. Could be again.

    The Saudis need a tune-up anyway. As does Kuwait....

    Oman is superb - hope the Israelis never nuke it. The fact that most of the people are South-Asian by descent Israeli peace-keeping force would be appropriate. The people there are smart enough to get with the program....and as the radiation dies down elsewhere in the region - those Omanis could be very useful in resettling and turning them into something much better.....
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