Undoubtedly the Zionist state calls itself, and indeed insists...

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    Undoubtedly the Zionist state calls itself, and indeed insists that everyone acknowledge that it is Jewish. Netanyahu's recent pronouncements even claim a hegemony over all Jews, and of course he and the Israeli establishment demand the right to speak in the name of Judaism. Yet, as Rabbi Shapiro points out in The Empty Wagon and in his videos, their project has no Jewish content at all, except as window dressing. Zionists have tried to appropriate the Jewish religion for their own legitimation, yet, just like a parasite sucking all the lifeblood of the host and leaving it a dried shell, they abominate, destroy, and ruin Judaism. Their god is not the God of western monotheism, often derided on this site, but rather the mammon of the nationalist concept. Durkheim said, "Religion is a people worshiping itself," and that was never truer than in exclusivist, totalitarian nationalisms like Zionism and Naziism.

    Many commenters on this site have denounced Israel as Jewish, yet, as Rabbi Shapiro says, that is an illegitimate appropriation. Why should we concede anything whatever to the Zionists? They are not Jews in the traditional sense at all, and their state has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional Judaism, which never had anything to do with any project resembling Zionism, which was so clearly born in the nationalist cauldron of Eastern Europe.

    Likewise, their charge of antisemitism. Actually, the Zionists are the antisemites, meaning anti-Jewish Jew haters, and should be denounced as such. Their whole project has been in continuous alliance with antisemites, and they continually and actively promote and hope for antisemitism to break out everywhere, because it validates their position. When they complain about themselves being threatened in the US and elsewhere, the charge should be thrown back in their faces that, no, it is you who are directly threatening the Jews who oppose you. What about all those Jewish student demonstrators against Israel who were even beaten up by Zionist thugs, for example at UCLA?

    Zionism is truly the Empty Wagon. So let's not validate it by making any concessions to its claim to Jewishness. It is threadbare, and those claims are illegitimate. Its claim to Jewishness is a lie. And we don't have to go nitpicking in the Talmud and Torah looking for nasty things that the Zionists have appropriated for their own legitimation, such as the Israelites' invasion of Palestine under Joshua. Such stories hafe nothing to do with the present condition and their current appropriation by Zionism is a wholly modern development that has no classical authority at all.

    Posted by: Cabe | Aug 8 2024 4:44 utc

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