meanwhile back at the black sites and torture chambers I mean...

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    meanwhile back at the black sites and torture chambers I mean prisons of the most democratic nation in the Middle East,
    And where of course the International Red cross is not allowed to visit
    Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

    Photos and videos released by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz show Palestinian detainees at Megiddo Prison's security wing lying handcuffed on their stomachs, some shirtless, while a guard dog barks over them.

    Haaretz reported that prison personnel have humiliated detainees, subjecting them to degrading treatment.
    Last month, a report by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem revealed that over a dozen Israeli prison facilities have been converted into a network of camps "dedicated to the abuse of inmates" since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza.

    Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 6 2024 23:18 utc

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