The attack in Beirut that just happened, the aftermath can be...

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    The attack in Beirut that just happened, the aftermath can be seen live on almanar tv, is so shocking, even after a year of shocking crimes.

    It is a clear-cut war crime, so clear that those who ordered the attack, and others, could be arrested immediately and charged within 24-48 hours.

    The basic requirement in the law of war is - distinction and proportionality.
    Use of appropriate weapons is also mandated, and taking necessary measures to minimize civilian casualties.

    All of these principles were violated in this shocking massive bombing of a densely populated area of the city of Beirut.

    Quite like Netanyahu's UN GA speech, which is the logical consequence of the total failure of the states of the world to do anything to stop Israel's conduct from its installation in Palestine to this day and this shocking destruction in Beirut.

    The UN, which is just a mere reflection of its members, is a rudderless entity completely out of touch with reality, a venue where people in expensive suits and shoes, who believe they are important (?) come together to show that they do not know what to do effectively about anything. They play games with each other and believe they have the upper hand when they have outdone others in trickery, deception and platitudes.

    A bunch of dishonest, immoral, soulless, second-rate sinecurists who today were not even capable of condemning the newest Zionist war against Lebanon - at the Security Council. No security from the Security Council.

    What a miserable, pathetic, but true, mirror image of the world and its leaders. Which, by the way, we elected. We are in this miserable image, too.

    Posted by: JB | Sep 27 2024 17:47 utc |

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