miles i liked your post 1. Show me where I have ever stated the...

  1. 375 Posts.
    miles i liked your post 1. Show me where I have ever stated the Palestinians never lie.

    Had you have posted, both sides lie, fair enough. However your post by it's very nature shifted the burden of proof onto the Israelis.

    I agree however that you did not state, "Palestinians never lie".

    2. If you are referring to my previous post you may want to go back and READ IT. What was shown on the news this morning was actual FOOTAGE OF THE EVENT - not some ones view of the event.

    I have not seen that video clip. I have no idea who and where it is from and to be quite truthful with you since that affair with the 12 year old "supposedly killed by the Israelis" about which both German and French sources are now querying, I now don't take anything for granted.

    (By the way Yids posted an expose about that earlier in the week).

    3. The FOOTAGE SHOWING WHAT APPEARED TO BE A PROJECTILE was shot by foriegn jurnos who where on the scene reporting events.

    You say it was shot by foreign journos. Were they? How do you know? Just as in the Mohammad affair, amazingly the journos, the photographers, the actors (?) were all in place, who knows what we see and then reported, is 100%, especially when it comes from the Palestinian side who conjured the Jenin Massacre rubbish and haven't got the fortitude even today, to admit it was an invention?

    You would have to be a fool to think the Palestinains never lie about what goes on but you would have to be just as big a fool to believe the Israeli's are not lying about many of the events. If only half of what Israel has been accused of is true it still makes them no better than nazis or terrorist themselves and should be bought to justice accordingly just as those who organise and commit acts such as suicide bombings.

    In essence I agree. The magic word here is as you say "If only".

    It will be interesting to see what happens when the US does what it has to in Iraq and what will be their attitude plus the attitude of the world in regard to collateral damage.

    Unfortunately Israel faces this problem all the time as the Palestinians deliberately locate their arms and weapon making facilities right amongst civilan area.

    I'd like to see balace here. By that I'd appreciate if you and others would look up whether or not, deliberately locating military, pseudo military, arms making facilities amongst civilians, thus making them involuntary human shields, constitutes War Crimes as per the Geneva Convention, and should any/what action be taken against those who made the decision to do so, and those who carried out those orders.

    Or does it only cut one way, always?

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