to chinguetti - re: israelis don't kill 17 Chinguetti you posted...

  1. 364 Posts.
    to chinguetti - re: israelis don't kill 17 Chinguetti you posted "If the Japs had invaded Australia in WWII some of us would be giving them hell. Others would be cowering in the cellar. No guessing what group you would be in..."

    You have no idea my friend as to which group I would be in. I know one thing, I would not allow my kids to place themselves in such danger.

    Its a deliberate ploy by the palestinian authority to have young kids throwing stones at the Israeli soldiers in the hope that the Isrealis will retaliate and kill one or two. The Palestinian authority ( nor the parent by the look of it, why else would they allow 10 and 11 yo kids to place themselves in such danger? ) dont give a frogs fat about their people, in fact they would rather more people ( especially the young ) die as they want more sympathy from the rest of the world.

    As I said before, I would never allow my children to place themselves in harms way. I guess I need to read the Koran more as I am sure there are verses where the wonderful Allah orders me to sacrifice them for his sake.

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