Firstly you are dealing with two very different religions more...

  1. 6,557 Posts.
    Firstly you are dealing with two very different religions more or less represented by the OT, the Teachings of Moses which includes glimpses of the older religions of Noah and Abraham and the NT, which is a Christian based scripture. Christians appropriated the scriptures of another religion and laid claim to all the works contained in the Bible. The OT is not Christian scripture.

    The Jews have a very clear image of the Messiah, their Messiah and no reasonable person could ever make the claim that Jesus is actually the Jewish Messiah. There are very specific outcomes and prophecies required to be fulfilled by the Jewish Messiah and Jesus did not fulfil any of those requirements. The reason being that there are two Jesus in the Bible. There is the figure who is called the return of Jesus, this is a being predominantly spoken of in the OT who has the same spirit and qualities of Jesus and will fulfil the requirements of the Messiah of the OT. And there is Jesus Himself who was also the Messiah of the Christian Faith.

    As for satan and all that nonsense, nobody can help you there.

    The Jews are not specifically called the Chosen People, but there is enough scriptural reference to suggest that this is implied.

    So if Christianity is your burden, then put your energies into being a real Christian and God will sort out the Jews in good time.
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