As descendants of Adam we are all defective.(Romans 5:12) That...

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    As descendants of Adam we are all defective.

    (Romans 5:12) That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned—.

    However, that does not leave us without hope.

    (Romans 5:18) So, then, as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation, so too through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is their being declared righteous for life.

    The sinless man Jesus forfeited his right to endless life on earth to buy back what Adam lost.

    (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time.

    So really our family tree is of no consequence.

    (Acts 10:34, 35) At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

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