There are many lessons that MUST be learnt but if there is ONE...

  1. 282 Posts.
    There are many lessons that MUST be learnt but if there is ONE blatently obvious lesson
    to be learnt out of this financial fiasco is that Banks or to be accurate Bankers cannot
    be trusted to self regulate themselves, they are after all human (I think), this is
    akin to puting a rat in charge of the cheese cellar & telling it NOT to touch. The sooner
    our moronic leaders admit they stuffed up & acknowledge Australia needs a Peoples Bank
    such as the Commonwealth was, that "inspires" private banks to follow their lead as to
    remain competitive the sooner both individuals & small business will have some slim hope
    of NOT being bullied by these greedy self serving bankers, essentially a ban on ALL
    political donations by financial institutions MUST also be implemented with this as they
    have been allowed to accumulate far too much power & bought far too many favors they want
    to be repaid to expect anything but corruption. It is now apparent that ALL sides of
    Politics want to either privatise everything & allow open slather self regulation in
    whatever area they're allowed to before THE PEOPLE say enough is enough, something that
    should have been done years ago. Naturally this would mean Politicians as a whole could
    deny ANY little responsibility they have left now for whatever goes wrong PLUS leave them
    a lot freer to persue their own personal agendas which is unfortunately the reason many are
    attracted to politics now, where else can one receive the overall package they enjoy for
    virtually NO accountability or responsibility ? What better time than now for this to
    begin with the ALP in power in Canberra, as they were the ones who sold the Commonwealth
    Bank, so much for the so-called workers political party, such an act of betrayal &
    abandonment is rarely witnessed in Australia & unfortunately I must admit that I did
    vote for them however in my defence their intentions were unbeknown to me.
    We, as voters & Australians are responsible for this ransom we now find ourselves under
    because we have allowed our Politicians to do whatever they want & to become enablers for
    the financial institutions.
    If there is enough pressure generated by enough of us in society demanding our political
    representatives undergo reform, actually Govern what they're supposed to & tell Banks that
    they too are part of society will obligations, they will have little option but to comply.
    Until this occurs don't expect anything but more arrogance, greed & deceipt, the apathy
    shown by many Australians if NOT changed WILL be the cause of ALL our demise.
    Think about it !
    My best wishes to you all.
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