Mainly through Bible Hub -> BUT don't just swallow the English...

  1. 25,592 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Mainly through Bible Hub -> BUT don't just swallow the English translated words bellow the Greeks, click the number and check the definitions.
    BIUT, make sure they have actually carried over the exact Greek word for the definition, as at times they use the wrong word.

    You can also copy the Greek word and check on sites that are not Biblical, and don't have a bias twist.

    AND -> pretty much IGNORE this term "usage" which translates to -> bugger the CLEAR definition and intended meanings, so we can be creative to use words to suit our Bias view, which has been handed down by the tradition of men, for hundreds of years.

    John 1:1, 2 is a clear example, NO word "with" should be there, it should be "toward" and John himself supports this in 1 John 1:2 once and then uses the correct Greek word for "with" around 3 times coming into or including verse 3.

    But if you're serious zbusc and I mean really serious, you WILL find the truth.

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