it could be worse much worse

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Imagine the bulk of Australians were unhappy
    with the policies of the Howard government.

    Imagine they voted on Saturday to elect
    more Labor than Coaliiton MPs to
    the House of Representatives.

    Imagine they voted on Saturday to elect
    more Labor than Coaliiton Senators
    to the Australian Senate.

    Imagine we woke up on Sunday morning
    and John Howard said to voters:

    "I'm the Lord High Muckey-Muck
    around here and my policies
    shall prevail!"

    Well that, folks, is how they do
    politics in the United States
    and why President Bush
    drives around in an
    massive armoured
    limousine with a

    And that ghastly US pseudo-monarchy
    where Ministers of the Crown are
    not elected MPs or Senators who
    are answerable to Parliament but
    are Bush-appointed royal courtiers
    (known as 'Secretaries' in the US)
    who are answerable to the pseudo-
    monarch who appoined them
    - a pseudo-monarchy that
    went so close to the real thing
    (in President Clinton's case) as having a
    palace concubine with semen stains
    on her lovely satin dress - that silly
    system is being rammed down Iraqi
    and Afghan throats (at the point of a
    gun) as the 'Paragon of Democracy'
    that they must emulate or get
    blown to smithereens!


    The Anzus Treaty that Howard pays homage
    to (on bended knee) as the Bulwark of
    Australia's Defence - do you know
    what it actually says?

    That America will come rushing to
    Australia's assistance if we
    are ever attacked?


    After all the 'insurance' payments
    (in grovelling syncophancy) and
    in troops sent anywhere to
    help US imperial plans,
    all the Anzus Treaty
    says is the US will
    'consult' about
    sending help
    if we're ever

    Remember the First World War.

    America only sent troops after
    the 'Lusitania' was attacked off
    Iraland by a German sub
    and some AMERICANS
    were killed.

    Remember the Second World War.

    America only sent troops after
    Pearl Harour was attacked
    and some AMERICANS
    were killed.

    So if we are ever attacked
    expect lots of consultions,
    bi-lateral discussions and
    long chats on the phone
    *but* unless some
    killed, we could
    be waiting and
    waiting and

    It's in AMERICA's interest
    to come our rescue!

    I would much prefer the
    Australian government to
    raise taxes to build our
    own aircraft carrriers
    than to be humiliated iike
    we were when Harrold Holt
    (during the Vietnam Invasion)
    said "All The Way With LBJ".

    All the way into what?

    Being the only American state
    with a kangaroo and an emu
    on its coat of arms?

    Not only is it time for a change
    of government, it's time for
    Australia to stand on its own
    feet and stopped bludging
    on and grovelling towards a
    ghastly pseudo-monarchy
    that *thinks* it's a
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